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The movies of Steven Spielberg: Part III

This will be my last look at the science-fiction fantasy movies of Steven Spielberg. Today I will examine the Indiana Jones franchise. I would call the Indiana Jones franchise fantasy films because of their dealing with both aliens and the supernatural.

This franchise was the coming together of two Über-Geeks, Steven Speilberg and George Lucas. The series stars Harrison Ford and with his appearance in the Star Wars saga along with this franchise he became certified superstar and his career took off. There are four films in the franchise and I own three of them.

Lucas said that these movies were an homage to the old serial films of the 30s and 40s. One of the things I really enjoy about them is that aspect of these movies. There is a lot of Errol Flynn in Indiana Jones. These movies are a lot of escapist fun and do not take themselves too seriously.

I think Spielberg really captured that sense of adventure in this franchise. Even though the last movie came out a couple of years ago, I can only imagine that if this franchise had been pitched to studios today we would find a much darker and grittier Indiana Jones. Hollywood is all about realism and the dark and gritty.

I know that many people did not like the newer movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Some complained about the addition of aliens, which I liked and some complained that some of the events were too far fetched…like the time when Jones hid in the refrigerator during a nuclear blast and then to have that fridge catapulted miles away with Jones walking out unscathed. I loved that scene! That scene has produced a new saying “nuked the fridge” which, along with “jump the shark” now signifies the moment when a franchise has declined beyond the point of no return.

I really do not think the movie was that bad. I found the second movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, a prequel to the first movie, much worse. It just doesn’t work for me. With apologies to Mr. Spielberg the character played by his future wife, Kate Capshaw, was whinny and annoying. The addition of the kid, shortround, was not much better either. I do have to say though that the action scenes were very memorable and eating monkey brains never looked tastier!

My favorite of the franchise is the third movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I love European history so the fact that this touches upon the crusades and other aspects of European history are fascinating. My favorite though the casting of Sean Connery as Indy’s father. Casting brilliance in my opinion!

In conclusion to the works of Steven Spielberg I would have to say he is my favorite director working today. He has made very memorable timeless classics in the genre I enjoy so much. Long may he continue to do so and grace us all with his genius.

Here is an added bonus. I will include this link to some of the behind the scenes of the first Jurassic Park movie and how they animated and used suits for the Raptors. I think you will enjoy it.

The Films of Steven Spielberg: Part II

iiContinuing on my examination of the Science-Fiction and Fantasy films of Steven Spielberg I want to examine the Jurassic Park franchise. Although Spielberg only directed the first two he did serve as executive producer on Jurassic Park III. The series is based on a book by Michael Crichton. Universal Studios, with the help of Spielberg, bought the film rights to the book even before it was published. Many studios were also vying the the film rights. As I said in another blog I am not a novel reader. Even though I love the genre of Science Fiction and Fantasy I only watch those genres and do not read those types of books. When it comes to reading I am strictly non-fiction. Even though Michael Crichton was hired to write the screen play (for $500,000) many fans of the book complained that the first movie deviated too far from the book. Not having read the book I don’t have the problem of comparing the two works.

I know in the future I want to review these movies in their entirety so for the sake of this blog entry I will just hit the highlight of the three films.

1. Jurassic Park. 1993 I cannot believe that this movie is almost 20 years old!! I think the state-of-the-art special effects do not look dated today. The movie was not entirely done with CGI although this movie was the first to use CGI to such a large extent. Spielberg also used Animatronics and other models for the special effects. I have a good friend, George Cheatle, who came to get me one day in 1993 and took me to the movie saying I had to see this on the large screen. Boy was he ever so right! I felt such awe and wonder seeing the large Brachiosaurus on the big screen for the first time. It is so lifelike and real looking. Even nearly 20 years later it still looks lifelike and doesn’t cease to create a sense of wonder. I would love to go back in a time machine and show this film to Willis H. O’Brien the man who did the stop motion effects on the original 1933 version of King Kong. I think he too would have been amazed at how life like special effects would become 60 years later.

I also like the story. All the characters are likable and eccentric in their own way. I like Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant the best and was glad to see him return for the third movie. I also think the great Sir Richard Attenborough as John Hammond brings a great richness, pun intended, to his role as the eccentric billionaire. One last thing to say about the original movie is the brilliant score by John Williams. Sometimes I see film scores as the new classical music and the main Jurassic Park theme (linked below) is one of my all times pieces of instrumental music…I think it is just simply…brilliant! One pet peeve of mine: As a militant anti-smoking advocate I find the incessant smoking of Samuel L. Jackson’s character disgusting and unnecessary.

2. Jurassic Park: The Lost World.

I have to admit that I was let down with this movie. It isn’t bad, I do own it and I do watch it on DVD. It just loses a sense of wonder the first film had. While I like Jeff Goldblum as an actor, the portrayal of Dr. Ian Malcolm in this second offering is a bit annoying. He wails and complains almost the entire film. Also the scene when they are all hanging on over the cliff inside the truck as the two T-Rex are trying to pull them up just goes on too long. I love all the dinosaurs in this movie, some we did not see in the previous film. The plot is pretty good with two rival teams exploring the island only to have to work together just to survive.

3. Jurassic Park III

Although the first film will always have a special place in my heart…it was my first love. I have to admit I enjoy watching the third movie much more. It is just pure dino-action and adventure. This was not directed by Spielberg but Joe Johnston with Spielberg as executive producer. The movie features a new dinosaur, the Spinosaurus, which makes quick work of the T-Rex to let everyone know there is new big man on campus. I also liked the addition of William H. Macy another fine actor. I don’t have a lot to say about this movie. It has great special effects and a fun story that is a roller coaster ride.

Spielberg said that we can expect Jurassic Park IV within the next couple of years and the movie is in the script writing phase. I didn’t focus too much on Spielberg in this entry but for me there is a simple lesson. These movies appeal to the kid inside all of us…and as an adult I feel that it is vitally important to stay in touch with that inner child-like part of ourselves that keeps me in touch with a sense of creative, curiosity and sense of wonder about the world and the universe in which we live. Next week I will examine the Indiana Jones franchise.  

What is in the Hopper?

This December Part one of a two part Hobbit movie will be in theaters. Now Peter Jackson is talking about doing a third part! He is in talks with the producers and Warner Brothers to get the financial backing and trying to secure new contracts with the cast of the first two movies. He also needs to make sure he has the rights to material that is no included in the original Hobbit book. I hope he is able to pull it all off. A nice Hobbit trilogy would be very sweet!

Producer Frank Marshall reports to CraveOnline that George Lucas is NOT working on the script for Indiana Jones 5. After the poor reviews of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which I liked) fans had hoped a part 5 would improve the franchise. So, I guess Indy 5 isn’t in the hopper. 😦

According to Deadline, Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment has an animated movie in the works starring the little yellow Minions from Despicable Me that is being aimed for a release in 2014. 


Another important birthday today! Happy 70th birthday Han Solo I mean  Indiana Jones …er, no..Harrison Ford!!!