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What is in the hopper?

What is in the hopper this week? Here are some new shots from the Robocop reboot. I am actually liking the look of this new suit and I think once we see it on the big screen it will look even better.

Development hell!!

Here is an example of development hell. I recently reviewed the 1970s sci-fi classic Logan’s Run. A very good movie just ripe for a remake. So I began to do some research on the subject. It seems that there have been people in Hollywood that have been wanting to remake this movie since 1996 but it keeps getting stuck in development hell. As of a year ago this movie had an actor attached, Ryan Gosling, and new writers. Here is the article from about a year ago.

The long-planned remake of Logan’s Run is getting a fresh screenwriter. Andrew Baldwin has come aboard to tackle the new Warner Bros. version of the classic sci-fi tale for director Nicolas Winding Refn, star Ryan Gosling and producers Joel Silver and Akiva Goldsman.

Logan’s Run, set in a utopian, post-apocolyptic society in which people must be put to death when they reach age 30 (21 in the 1967 novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson), was a hit in 1976 starring Michael York. The remake has been in development for more than a decade with filmmakers as diverse as Bryan Singer (X-Men), James McTiegue (V for Vendetta) and Carl Erik Rinsch (the upcoming 47 Ronin) all developing different takes on the material.

Refn and Gosling, riding high on the critical response to the atmospheric thriller Drive, came aboard the project earlier this year. Alex Garland (28 Days Later) delivered a script, and Will Beall (Gangster Squad) wrote a treatment but was unavailable to write the screenplay.

Baldwin recently set up the period Yakuza script The Outsider at Warner Bros. with Art and John Linson’s Linson Entertainment producing. Before that, he wrote Red Asphalt for Wanted director Timur Bekmembatov at Lionsgate, after breaking onto the scene with his Black List script The West is Dead.

I would love to see a remake of Logan’s Run and hopefully this movie will one day get out of development hell and see the light of day!