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The Dark Knight Rises still tops Box Office

For the third week in a row The Dark Knight Rises tops the weekend Box Office results. The Dark Knight Rises took in $36,440,000 domestically for a grand total of $354,638,000 domestically and  $378,400,000 overseas making  $733,038,000 overall! 

However The Dark Knight Rises is a little behind its predecessor The Dark Night which had made $393,751,065 in the same time period.

In second place was the reboot of the Total Recall movie. It only made $26,000,000 this weekend and it is judged to be performing under expectations. I only made $6,200,000 overseas for a Worldwide total of $32,200,00. The reviews at Rotten are not that great either garnering a 31% positive rating. Despite the rating I still want to see it. I have liked movies with much lower ratings than that.


Monday Box Office results.

The long awaited sequel to the Men in Black franchise successfully defeated Avengers atop the box office over this Memorial Day weekend. Competing with Men in Black 3 was the thriller Chernobyl Diaries and Wes Anderson’s quirky Moonrise Kingdom. MIB3 pulled in $55,000,000.00 domestically and $132,000,000.00 at the foreign box office with a grand total of $187,000,000.00 worldwide. . Although certainly not a record breaker it is good news for a franchise whose last entry was ten years ago and wasn’t very well received by critics and fans alike. The Avengers came in second place with $36,987,000.00 for the weened increasing its overall domestic total to $513,672,000.00 and along with its $781,600,000.00 at the foreign box office for a grand total $1,295,272,000 world wide. Despite its second place finish the Avengers is still performing strongly.

I did not include Chernobyl Diaries or Moonrise Kingdom in my reviews of upcoming movies so I will include their trailers here today. They do look interesting and I may give them a view when they come out on DVD.