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The tone of Comic Book movies…what should it be?

The Man of Steel movies has not done as well as WB had hoped, although it is still success and it is more successful than 2006’s Superman Returns. Does this mean that Superman doesn’t translate that well into being a more serious character? What should be the tone of a superhero comic book movie? Many sing the praises of the Nolan Batman trilogy for its gritty realism. Some do not like it at all. I am between those two extremes. While I do like the trilogy, with the first movie, Batman Begins, as the most enjoyable, I do think that there are times when these movies seem like something else rather that a superhero movie. So, what should a superhero movie look like?

There is not one answer to this question  but I do see a common denominator. To ironically quote the Joker from the movie The Dark Night..”Why so serious?”

That is they key element. At some level in the movie it needs to not take itself so seriously. After all these are stories where adults are dressing in costumes and fighting crime. If this were to happen in the real world such a person would be spending some time in a psychiatric center. I find many of the Marvel movies, specifically the first Iron Man movie, does strike the right tone. I also notice that there is a continuum of tone. As I mentioned that Iron Man strikes a good tone but can there also be a time when a more lighthearted approach can also work? I think so….and this is the heart of the issue; To balance seriousness with a lighthearted approach. For the next couple of paragraphs I will defend one of my favorite Batman movies, Batman Forever, and demonstrate how that movie does successfully balance the  seriousness with a lighthearted approach.

First of all, the set designs, costumes and cinematography all let the viewer know that this is indeed a fantasy and not the real world. Gotham is not realistic but it is a character all its own that adds to the verisimilitude of the movie. Direct Joel Schumacher used brighter colors than the previous director, Tim Burton, but it still kept Gotham as a foreboding gritty crime filled city. The setting does establish the tome of the movie that it will be serious but lighthearted. The over-the-top portrayal of the villains, Two-Face and the Riddler, played wonderfully by Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carey, also lets us know that this movie is to entertain and to not take it so seriously.

Yet, the movie does have some serious themes. It shows Bruce Wayne/Batman, played greatly but Val Kilmer, struggling with his identity and the guilt over his parents death. We see Dick Grayson/Robin, played brilliantly by Chris O’Donnell, struggling with grief, the murder of his family and the desire for revenge. Although this movie does have camp like the 1960s version of Batman, this movie does not show that the relationship between Bruce Wayne/Batman and Dick Grayson/Robin was anything but smooth and it took them time to form a partnership. For myself this is the strength of the movie and watching them come together is what makes it so enjoyable for me.

Batman Forever is on the more campier side of the verisimilitude of comic book movies, much more so than Iron man, but it does demonstrate that there is a continuum within the less realistic approach of the recent Nolan Batman and Superman movies. The sequel to Batman Forver, Batman and Robin, although a guilty pleasure, did cross the line in the other direction and demonstrates that going too campy can also cause a problem. So for myself with Batman Forever on the campier end of the spectrum and the first Iron Man being the more serious end of the spectrum gives comic book movies a great deal of space to work with to find that perfect tone for these types of movies.

Batman Forever

The Dark Knight Rising comes out on DVD in a couple of weeks. I have not seen it yet. I will get it I am just not sure when. Last night I was in a Batman mood and I watched the 1995 Batman Movie, Batman Forever,  produced by Tim Burton and directed by Joel Schumacher. The movie stars Val Kilmer as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Chris O’Donnell as Dick Grayson/Robin, Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Jim Carrey as Edward Nigma/The Riddler, Nicole Kidman as Dr. Chase Meridian: A psychologist and love interest of Bruce Wayne.

This may be blasphemy to many but this is my favorite Batman movie. After I watch The Dark Knight Rises I will review that movie and the entire Nolan Batman franchise. Right now Nolan’s Batman trilogy is being hailed by fans as the best. While I do enjoy the Nolan Batman movies I do have my complaints about it. I will not go into detail here by my major complain is that they lack joy and fun. I must say that the recent string of Marvel movies really struck the right balance for me between seriousness, realism and fun and adventure. While I do appreciate Nolan’s realistic approach I do think it needs to be kept in mind that these are comic book characters after all.

This blog post is in defence of Batman Forever and why I like it. I really like Kilmer’s portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Some critics called his perfomance as Wayne wooden. I think he is mysteriously aloof with a dark secret to hide. His story arc of coming to terms with his past so he can be Batman not out of a compulsion because of guilt but because it is his choice. The movie see Bruce Wayne returning to his Locus of Control and taking responsibility for who he has become instead of blaming the death of his parents. I find that to be good character development.

I also like the fact that the coming together of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne as Batman and Robin is also filled with tension and good character development. They could easily have had the story be where Bruce Wayne naturally adopts DickGrayson as his partner…after all that is his destiny…but instead they take a more realistic approach where Wayne resists taking on Grayson as a partner who is also angry and wanting to avenge the death of his family.

Although Tommy Lee Jones  and Jim Carrey, who play Two-Face and the Riddler respectively, do a fine job in their roles I just wished they were a bit more serious at times. At times they are so comical and over the top that it gives the film an uneven tone and that would be my only complaint.

I find this movie a lot of fun to watch. The 1989 Batman with Michael Keaton is also good but the sequel, was too dark in tone for me but Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle / Catwoman does help redeem that movie. I find Batman Forever to be the most enjoyable movie for the reasons I stated. Plus I do like the charcter of Robin and this movie depicts his origin well and I like Chris O’Donell’s protrayal of Grayson/Robin. His Robin costume is pretty cool too.

Guilty Pleasures

Last Wednesday I listed movies I do not like. This week I list my 6 favorite guilty pleasures. 

Back in the early 1990s I called a local radio station in Rochester NY that had a movie reviewer, Bill Klein, and I asked him a question about how he reviewed movies that he knew were not really good and he should give it a negative review but for some reason he liked the movie anyway. He told me he called them “guilty pleasures” and he said would be honest in his reviews about them being guilty pleasures.

Today I will list my top five guilty pleasures. These are movies that the majority of the professional reviewers and the fan base generally do not like but for reasons, which will be explained below, I do enjoy them a great deal.

Batman & Robin 1997

This movie literally brought the Batman franchise to a grinding halt. Warner Brothers had planned on doing a sequel to Batman and Robin entitled Batman Triumphant, with the Scarecrow as the main villain until this movie tanked at the box office. I have even read that director Joel Schumacher has apologized to the fan base for this movie.

I grew up on the Batman TV series starring Adam West which was pure camp and very fun to watch. I think Batman & Robin is in that same vein because it is fun and campy as hell! I also think there is a good story in there. I like the addition of Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl. Her rebellious nature and desire to help her uncle Alfred out is touching. The conflicts between Batman and Robin as they learn to trust one another is good character developments as is the relationship between the dying Alfred and Bruce Wayne. Both Arnold Schwarzenegger and  Uma Thurman, Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy respectively, chew up the scenery with witty puns and dialog that made me laugh and groan.

Some have cried blasphemy that I actually prefer to watch this over The Dark Knight. Sure, I get in the mood for a more serious take on Batman and will watch the Christopher Nolan movies, but most of the time I will watch the two Schumacher movies because they’re a heck of a lot of fun! I could have included the other Schumacher Batman movie, Batman Forever, in this list because that had uneven reviews. But Batman Forever isn’t as hated as Batman & Robin. I must admit that I do like Batman Forever more than Batman & Robin.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989

It was actually many years before I learned that this movie was not well received by the fan base. Star Trek V did elevate the comedy which the very successful Star trek IV: the Voyage Home had originated. I saw this movie in the theater back in the summer of 1989 and the theater was jam packed and people were laughing and having a good time and I was one of them. I left the theater entertained and happy with the movie.

But it didn’t do that well at the box office (it made only $52 million) and a large majority of the fan base did not like it. Today I think some of the comedy has not aged well but there is still a good movie in there. I think the way the relationships between Kirk, Spock and McCoy were examined and expounded upon have never been done better. I liked the “villain” of Sybok, Spock’s emotional half-brother. Was he crazy, insane or a misguided religious nut? I think the movie does demonstrate how we must keep our beliefs anchored in rationality. I have reached a point in my life where I need to have some type of evidence in order to believe in something, otherwise we can believe in anything under the sun without evidence. So, I think Trek V clearly demonstrates that wisdom. Plus…say it with me…it is a lot of fun.

Planet of the Apes (Time Burton) 2001

First of all I must admit I am really not a big Tim Burton Fan. I liked the first Batman movie he did, I really liked Beatlejuice and this movie…that is about it. Now I do not think this movie holds a candle to the 1968 original starring Charleton Heston. I think the that movie is the best science fiction movie ever and a well deserved classic. What makes this remake a guilty pleasure for me is the story. Spoiler alert if you have not seen the movie. In this movie the planet where the apes live is not earth but we find out it is the events which Mark Wahlberg’s character sets in motion at the start of the film are what caused the planet to become what it had become in the future. That is a good twist. I love time travel movies as well so it has that in its corner. There is genuine humor and good action as well as some things I didn’t care for. For example, the settings feel cramped and claustrophobic at times. Helena Bonham Carter, whom I always like, has ape makeup that makes her look too human and not ape-like enough. This movie does have some great action scenes and great special effects.

Godzilla (American) 1998

I am a huge Godzilla fan. In the last few years I have rekindled my love for the franchise. I also love giant monster movies in general so I really enjoyed this lighthearted, fun adventurous take on Godzilla. I don’t want to say too much about the movie because I will be giving it an official review in my Friday’s review of the entire franchise. I am doing those in chronological order and I will be doing my full review in the weeks to come.

I remember reading some hard-core fans reaction to this movie and they called it GINO…Godzilla In Name Only. I rolled my eyes and thought they’re just being too harsh and ridiculous. However, I have come around to their way of thinking. I do see the monster as Godzilla in name only because the monster depicted in the movie does move too far away from the established characteristics of the Japanese Godzilla. However, the main difference between me and the vast majority of the fan base is that I still love the movie. I also love the design of GINO, or Zilla as he is called by Toho, so much that I have a two foot tall figure of him in my home.

Judge Dredd 1995

Judge Dredd is a comic book character and the film, starring Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider, plays like a comic book movie. I must admit the tone is a bit uneven as there are some real funny moments with Rob Schneider’s character who is there purely for comic relief, and then there are some bloody and dark serious moments with Armand Assante. I have not read the comics and this movie supposedly deviated too far from the the comics for the fans. I guess the main point was that Judge Dredd never is seen with his helmet off and in the movie you hardly see Stallone with the helmet on!

Stylistically the view of the future looks identical to the way it was depicted in the Bruce Willis movie, The Fifth Element. I have never read the comic so the complaints do not bother me in the least. I love Stallone’s over the top portrayal of the Judge and the movie has a lot of great action sequences and Rob Schneider, a person people seem to love to hate, is really quite good in this movie and it wouldn’t be the same without him. There is a new version of this movie coming out, starring Karl Ubran from the Lord of the Rings and Star Trek 09. This version looks to be more authentic to the comic and more dark and gritty which is the way Hollywood seems to be going, but my question is…will it be as fun and enjoyable as the original?

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1999

I never understood the hate for this movie. Honestly the entire franchise is uneven. I am not the biggest Star Wars fan and I think the original movie is by far the best, but all of the films are not perfect and I think the Star Wars: Phantom Menace  doesn’t deserve the bad rap it gets. Sure the kid playing young Anakin Skywalker, Jake Lloyd, is painful to watch in some places but over all the movie is the best of the prequels in my opinion. I think the movie is spectacular to look at. I think the performances by Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor really make this movie. With apologies to Sir Alec Guinness I think Ewan McGregor eqaully captured the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Natalie Portman is also as cute as a bug in this movie and really protrays the sweet innocent charms of  Queen Amidala aka Padme.

George Lucas has mentioned that the Star Wars saga is based of of old serial shorts of the 30s and 40s. That is very evident in this movie and I mean that in a positive way. This movie is filled with spectacular scenes of action and adventure. The pod race alone is worth the price of admission. Sure it gets bogged down in the boring politics of the series but other than that it is a great visual extravaganza and has a larger than life epic feel accompanied by the brilliant work of composer John Williams. For what Star Wars is supposed to be, a fun action adventure space fantasy, Phantom Menace sure does deliver and it is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie after the original.